After doing my research, I played "Me and Your Mama" one last time for inspiration, and the idea finally came. I drew out a very rough storyboard on a piece of scrap paper to chart out which two minutes of the song I would use and where each part would hit along with the music, and here it is.
The scene starts with a character giving a message to his daughter explaining that the world is in a state of disaster (first picture). He is a former government officer who was taken out after trying to stop the corruption within the ruling body from the inside. As his last message plays out, the audio remains as a voice-over while the film cuts to flashbacks of him and his young daughter growing up and shots showing the current state of the world. It is then shown that this message is being watched as a hologram in the daughters bedroom. This is also the section where I'll put the credits.
Just as he is about to give his daughter instruction to finish off what he started, and the beat drop of the song hits, the message is turned off (second picture). There's even a *click* in the music at this point that I will DEFINITELY sync up so everything goes extra smoothly with the music. There's a moment to wonder why the heck she would do that, and then it is revealed that the person watching the hologram is not the daughter, but another government agent. Now you see that the evil laugh in the beat drop was fitting after all. The agent takes the drive containing the video and shots slowly widen to show that the room has been completely ransacked as all evidence of the mans existence is being collected to wipe out.
The agent burns the evidence and leaves (third picture), but as she closes the door, a rack focus reveals that the daughter is still alive and in hiding (fourth picture). This will take place at the next "beat drop" moment where the song becomes more intense, and Gambino sings loudly, "Let me in to your."
The daughter runs to a hiding place within the house and is met with relief to see the copy of the video she had made beforehand (fifth picture). She prepares herself to finish what her father started, and gets up to leave. The title of the movie shows on a blank background.
Those last two pictures pertain to an idea I had for using a different two minutes of the song which I won't be doing so don't worry about those. This coming week, I will be making the final story board as detailed as possible to flesh out all the bugs in my locales, mis en scene elements, and plan exactly how I'll get each shot in preparation for production the following week.
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