The first order of business my group and I agreed upon in our music marketing process was, of course, to feel out the heart and soul of this project: the song. As we sat with "My Name is Human" by Highly Suspect playing over and over, we shared ideas about visuals, reoccurring themes, and possible techniques we felt would go with the music. After bouncing suggestions off of each other for a bit, we began to have a tentative shot list in mind. The challenge then arose of figuring out the logistics behind getting the shots and effects we wanted to, but we were eventually able to find locations and equipment amongst ourselves that would suit our needs.
Aside from the video itself, we also needed to think about our band and how we would brand it. A Pinterest board (shown above) helped us settle on an aesthetic for the group, and a lot of brainstorming around the main themes of our song (illustrated below) aided in giving our band an overall theme and name. This was perhaps the longest part of the process, as we wanted to come up with something that conveyed our central message and wasn't overly cliched.
Now, the question remained of what the band would do. In order to start forming our marketing campaign, we relied on research we had done on several Rock creators under prominent labels. Part of the research is shown below. Each of us focused on researching one band, and then we reconvened and took turns sharing what we found to be notable strategies used by each one. From this discussion, we created a list of marketing techniques we wanted to emulate with our band, and ideas of how to get our band to really resonate with a target audience.
Our next moves will be fully fleshing out and storyboarding our music video, and starting on the creation of our marketing components.
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