The slideshow's been submitted, the presentation's been done, but this project is one that's difficult to say goodbye to. That being said, however, it has been quite a rollercoaster getting to this point.
My group and I started this endeavor off with research and planning. After being assigned to rock and listening to the songs available, we decided to work with "My Name is Human" by Highly Suspect. From there, we split up our research so that each one of us completed one case study and began to brainstorm ideas for our music video. We bounced ideas off of each other very well, immediately agreeing that we wanted to shoot in a dark setting and use colored lighting to our advantage. We came up with a few cool shots and concepts that the music made us think of before stringing them together into a story (ex. we wanted an under-water shot, and one in a car). Eventually, we got together on a zoom call to flesh out the whole story board (below).

Then came the filming process. Isa and Kim came over to my house to shoot our video as soon as we could all get together. Here, we worked on our website and social media, created some content that we would be posting online, and got to work on filming as much as we could. Our most pressing issue was getting the shots we needed in my pool, since the GoPro we had on hand was borrowed, and we wouldn't be able to shoot with it again. The pool was quite colder than we had mentally prepared for. Below are some photos from that day.
The next day, we came to terms with the fact that this idea including the pool, shots driving, and lighting we may not have been able to set up was going to have to change. Batteries were dying, extension cords weren't working, everything that could go wrong, did. Luckily, Isa had another idea up her sleeve. Again, we arranged a day as soon as possible to film a whole new video. Our time was wearing thin. Upon arriving at Isa's house, we had a brand new story board to bring to life, shown below.

We spent that whole day filming the new video to the best of our ability. Many things went wrong again but we were able to make it out with most of what we needed. As crunch time quickly approached, Isa took on the editing, while Kim and I called to put together our presentation. We brought all our research, ideas, and inspiration from our shared google document into the presentation. I added final touches on our website, made a merchandise shop, and curated our Instagram page. We pulled the presentation together aesthetically and split the load on who would be presenting which slides. Finally, we were ready to present. We gave it our best, as the majority of us had poured our hearts, and a lot of laughs, into this project. With that, it was over.
(one of our presentation slides)
After having done this project, I learned a lot of new things. Plan every shot AND how you will get them in as much detail as possible before going onto the scene. Always give yourself more time than needed to film, because things will always go wrong. I learned some new editing tricks because of the techniques Isa wanted to incorporate into our video, and more. In the future, this project will be a great experience to look back on for guidance when creating my AICE portfolio, as I will be able to apply what I learned to have a more efficient planning process, a more controlled production process, and a more relaxed post-production process. All in all, this was one of the hardest, but most rewarding projects I've come to do, but it will be living on in my life in more ways than one.
Here's the link to our final presentation!
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